Sunday, July 5, 2015

12 Thoughts Working Grad Students Have Daily (as Illustrated by my F∙R∙I∙E∙N∙D∙S)

We’ve all been there. We’ve all had the thoughts. We’ve all (hopefully) gotten to know Joey, Chandler, Monica, Phoebe, Ross and Rachel.

Well if you think about it, they’re the original six models of our lives as young adults. Who better to illustrate our common thoughts than the F∙R∙I∙E∙N∙D∙S we know and love?! Exactly. Nobody.

Do I have something due today?

I wonder if I'm doing this right.

I bet the professor won't grade this too tough.

If I get at least a <<insert lowest possible grade here>> on this assignment I can still pass.

Do I have something due today?

Oh crap, that project is due already?!

When can I go to bed?

Can't do this the night before? Challenge accepted.

Can I drink wine while I do this assignment?

Do I have something due today?

Wait, what did I get points off for?

It’s okay. I can handle this.

Share your other common thoughts, or even your favorite F∙R∙I∙E∙N∙D∙S memories below!

1 comment:

  1. I've had every single one of these thoughts multiple times in the last four weeks. The light at the end of the tunnel is nearing!
