Friday, July 10, 2015

Giving to Your Alma Mater (or anything for that matter)

Giving to Your Alma Mater
I wish I had a ball of hundred dollar bills...
It’s a common misconception that people our age have an ‘expendable income.’ I think that term largely leaves out those of us who balance work and school. So how do you handle it when you’re asked to donate money?

Maybe for some of you this isn’t an issue. Maybe you just have the guts to say no and walk away. 

As for me, I’m a giver. It’s a blessing and curse really. But I think everyone should have a cause they support simply because everyone needs to realize the world is much bigger than their world

I have a cause I hold near and dear to my heart (which is a story for another date), but I also get excited about others who have a cause. I want to help them just like I want them to help me. So that leaves the poor working grad student in a terrible position.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself when your alma mater, or anyone for that matter, is asking you to give from the little time, talent, treasure you have.
  1. Is the cause something you care deeply about?
  2. Is the person someone you’re close to?
  3. Will your donation actually be used to support the cause? Or just administrative costs?
  4. Is it tax-deductible?
  5. Will you lack of a donation kill the spirits of the person asking?
  6. Is a person asking? Or is an institution asking?
  7. Are you being asked because of your unique connection to the cause?
  8. Do you have a unique connection to the cause?
  9. Will you feel badly about not giving?
  10. Will you feel happy that you did give?

When someone is seeking you out to donate to a cause, don’t feel bad taking your time to think it over. Run through some or all of these questions, and decide if it’s something you can do right now. If it’s not, just politely explain your situation and move on.

How do you handle the flood of emails asking for financial support?

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