Friday, July 10, 2015

Study Tip Saturday: Blocking Out Study Time (and sticking to it!)

Okay, I realize the only Study Tip Saturday that was actually on a Saturday was the first one. For this week, though, I actually have a great excuse! My class gets finished tonight (yay, me!), so I need to have this post uploaded before it’s done. Think of it this way, you can for sure use this study tip anytime tomorrow (on Saturday).

So what are we discussing today?

How to block out a study time and actually stick to the schedule you’ve made. 

First of all, it’s important to realize why we’re talking about this. As working grad students our time is incredibly limited (as if I had to tell you that). We work, and then we student. Then we go to sleep. If the schedule gets off, somethings got to give. For me, that’s usually the student-ing.

Follow these steps to really set aside and stick with your study time. 

Step 1: Learn when you study best.

The world is full of early risers and night owls. Depending on which you are, and what your day-to-day schedule looks like, find a time of day that works best for you to get schoolwork done. 

For me—and I’m not even lying—it’s anywhere from about 4:30 a.m. until I have to go to work at 8:00 a.m. depending on what I have to get done. I like to study before I get my day going because it’s before my brain is fried. It also helps that the rest of the world is still asleep so there are no distractions from roommates, family, texts, emails or social media.

Step 2: Get it scheduled. 

I’m old fashioned and still have a paper and pen planner. I know a lot of you probably have calendars on your phone or computer. Whatever your schedule of choice (and you best have one), make sure you actually enter your study time. Treat that time just as importantly as any other appointment you have.

Step 3: Schedule an end time.

Honestly, the to-do list will never be done. Even if we worked all day, we would never reach the point of ‘nothing left to do.’ So be sure to schedule an end to your block of time. Don’t get sucked into the black hole of schoolwork, or you may never return.

Step 4: Set an alarm. 

Reminder yourself! We’re forgetful and scatter-brained. Nobody can expect anything else of us. Just be prepared and set some type of reminder.

Step 5: Actually study.

When the time comes, you just have to do it. Find your ideal study space, sit down and dive in. Just like ripping off a bandaid (but maybe more painful at times).

Fitting schoolwork into your already-crowded schedule can be tough. Don’t make it worse than it has to be. Block out some time, and follow these 5 steps to actually stick with your plan. 

Now go get some A+’s!

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