Thursday, June 18, 2015

The Crazy Life that Is Graduate Student, Young Professional Combined

Welcome, friend. 

I’m here to let you know that you’re not alone. I know working, studying and figuring out the real world can be tough. It can be stressful. It can be overwhelming. It can be tiring. 

It can also be memorable. Affirming. Encouraging. Educational.

So grab a buddy (that’s me. nice to meet you.), and let’s take it in stride as we tackle the challenges together. 

See, Balanced Out is all about camaraderie. I’ll be honest. I’m not an expert. I’m a young professional. I’m a graduate student. And, I’m a millennial. I’m here to be a partner on this journey because—as I said—you’re not alone.

Keeping up with this millennial lifestyle blog will not only help you feel the support and guidance of people just like you. It will also provide you with tips to conquer studying, work and the challenge of maintaining your sanity.

You can grab all of that information while taking a much-needed break from the absolute madness that seems to be your life. 

Just to keep it all in check.

There are many things this blog is. 

It is a support group. 

It is a guidebook.

It is a break from the madness.

And, it can even be your saving grace as you navigate graduate school and the working world.

There are also many things this blog is not: 

It is not a space to spread negativity. 

It is not an extra assignment to add to your calendar. 

And, it is not a replacement for your real life friends (please..that’s just awkward.)

Keep these things in mind when the going gets tough. Even if you don’t feel like you can be the tough that got going, come on over to enjoy the company, laugh through the pain, keep the faith, and kick some serious booty in this thing we call life.

Are you ready?


  1. This looks fantastic, Becky! You have an easy, entertaining, accessible voice and unique point of view. I'm excited to see where you take this.
